bitterroot building industry association


Become a Member

Once you are a member of the BBIA you also become a member of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) which offers you political clout as well as a wealth of information and memb er discounts – all just a phone call away. 

  A membership gives you the opportunity to benefit from participating in BBIA activities – membership events and meetings, annual events and the BBIA Newsletter. BBIA members also receive discounts for advertising in our Tour of Homes and Home & Ranch Expo magazines as well as discount while exhibiting in these events. 

 Once you are a member of the BBIA you also become a member of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) which offers you political clout as well as a wealth of information and member discounts – all just a phone call away. 

Participate in Builder breakfasts, general member meetings, and mixers where we get guest speakers to speak about the things needed for your business to succeed!

Builder Membership:
Associate Member:
Affiliate Membership*:

*Affiliate members must be an employee of an existing member company in good standing with the BBIA. 

3 Memberships In 1

By joining the BBIA you also become a member of the Montana Building Industry Association and the National Association of Home Builders.

  • Increased Contacts
    Invaluable networking opportunities for members.
  • Group Strength
    A stronger association gives you better representation on local, state, and national issues.
  • Information
    On what is being done in the housing industry, the second largest industry in the United States
  • Knowledge
    Nationally recognized educational programs, access to expert advisers, and free industry-specific publications.
  • Membership Discounts
    Receive discounts in advertising, BBIA events, and NAHB special offers.
  • Recognition
    Through membership in a known and respected industry association.
  • Community Service
    The opportunity to influence your community in a positive way.
  • Group Rewards Insurance Program (GRIP)
    Will save you money on state workers’ compensation, plus keep your staff informed on safety procedures with free educational workshops.
  • You!
    Lend your stature to help housing grow and prosper as an industry and a professionc

Membership Photos